I will be presenting a research workshop at the ACADIA 2009 conference in Chicago on the 20th-21st of October 2009, to be held at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC). The aim of this workshop is explore the boundaries of generative and performative design using Autodesk Ecotect Analysis, Green Building Studio and Revit.


Day One (20th Oct)
Morning Session

Session outline
Workshop overview
Performative design
Scripting in Ecotect
Scripting exercises

Afternoon Session

Session outline
Project goal setting
Planning out strategy
Working on Projects

Optional Concurrent Seminars
Beginners Guide to Ecotect
Shading and Solar Radiation
Lighting and Daylighting

Day Two (21st Oct)
Morning Session

Session outline
More working on projects

Optional Concurrent Seminars
Custom report generation
Visual Impact and Acoustics
Ventilation and Air-Flow

Afternoon Session

Session outline
Brief update on progress
Group discussion of problems
Finalising project work


The workshop will take the form of a series of directed research projects carried out over two days in four sessions. Each session will be introduced with a seminar and tutorial describing the processes involved, followed by supervised lab sessions working on each project in small groups.

Research projects within the workshop will include:

  • Using iterative techniques and performative feedback to optimize and refine building geometry.

  • Using inter-process communications techniques and simplified analytical abstractions to control and transform more complex BIM models.

  • Undertaking detailed site analysis using amenity mapping and optimization techniques to generate, locate and orientate building forms.

Most workshop projects will involve some scripting in Autodesk Ecotect (and optionally VSTA), at least one group member must have some end user scripting or programming experience with languages such as Lua, Java, Visual Basic for Applications, etc. Scripting in Autodesk Ecotect is actually quite easy and the fundamentals can be picked up during the course of the workshop.

Whilst it will be possible to form ad-hoc groups during the workshop, participants are encouraged to consider organizing their groupings beforehand, enrolling together either with people from their own practice or others with similar interests. Also, whilst example models will be available for groups to work on, participants may use their own schemes as the basis of their research.


Participants must bring own laptop with Microsoft Windows XP or Vista operating systems. If you choose to pre-load your laptop with some of the Autodesk trial software, please do not do so more that 30 days before the workshop or your trial period will run out. CDs with the required training material will be available on the day.


Web addresses to find additional information:

For more details, see: