This is a list of some of the websites I have created and a brief summary of their characteristics. I have done a lot of web development over the years and am really enjoying the latest advances in Javascript, HTML5 and especially WebGL. I used to work mainly in PHP with Drupal as the back-end, but have recently started using Node.js. As you can probably tell from the experiments on this site, I also used to work a lot with embedded Java applets and Flash, but now it's entirely WebGL and SVG.

(2025 - still active)

The latest iteration of the website you are currently looking at. I am still working with Bootstrap and Hugo to generate the static pages. As you may notice, I had way too much fun over the summer break training an AI image model with some of my software output and general architectural science imagery. This is where hallucinating AI is a positive. I have some even better and more technical ones for my upcoming framework website.

(2016 - 2024)

Another update of this blog site, but this time I have gotten so sick of having to constantly apply security updates to Drupal and trawling through hundreds of spam comments just in case there is a real one in there somewhere. I really didn't want to go through all that again with Drupal 8, so I set to and converted it to a completely static HTML site using Hugo .

(2012 - 2016, on

An update of this blog site from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7. Of course several modules that the old site used were not being updated for Drupal 7 and the old theme was also now incompatible so this upgrade required a whole new theme and heaps of general conversion work.

(2008 - 2012, on

The first version of the site you are currently at. It was Drupal 6 based and included a couple of custom modules for managing embedded Java applets and formatted source code, as well as my own custom theming. As this is also my online notebook, it contains a lot of unfinished projects and half-written private pages that I use to develop stuff and experiment with.

(2007 - 2018, on

This website is the administrative hub for the management of the apartment block where we used to live in Douglas. We still hold a couple of units there and I am on the board of the management company. Again, it is Drupal 7 based with standard forums, groups and newsletter modules. It is also used for the project management of complaints and repairs.

(2006, on

This was a collaboration with EnviArch to demonstrate the viability of their EvaTool project and provide a management and sales platform. This has now become part of and undergone several iterations since my initial involvement.

(2006, now offline, no archive)

This was the back-end engine behind the EvaTool service. It was Drupal driven with several custom modules to handle access to and management of the EvaTool question database and its web API. A lot of time was spent on the interaction between this and the client-side EvaTool application as well as the styling of project lists and question/response interfaces.

(2006 - 2018, on

This is an online journal for articles on the environmental design of buildings and the application of analysis and simulation in architecture. It is currently based on Drupal 4 with a lot of customisation of the Views module to get the topic-based outlines and listings the way I wanted it. Even though there are several good online journal modules for Drupal 6, I am not looking forward to upgrading as I've pretty well forgotten what I had to do to style the issue indexing like it is.

(2005 - 2021, on

AuditAC was an EU project carried out at the Welsh School of Architecture to provide tools and information to save money and reduce the green house gas emissions of air-conditioning systems. It is a series of PHP scripts that access a vast database of analytical results sets to generate graphs as GD images showing the likely effect of different design modifications on monthly energy use.

(2004 - 2014, on

This is the 3rd generation of the corporate website for Square One research. Again Drupal 4 based, it managed online sales and support as well as development projects and online help. This project involved several modules and a completely separate PHP-based desktop and network license management system.

(2004 - 2009, on

This was the Community WIKI component of Square One research and housed a lot of educational content on general architectural science as well as software tutorials. This site lives on as part of

(2003, now offline - no archive)

This was a research project at the Welsh School of Architecture for the Council of Local Authorities in Wales (CLAW). It provides an interface to a database of energy readings from meters within local authority buildings throughout Wales. This allowed authorities to show historical graphs of energy use as well as comparing buildings of similar types. Again, lots of GD-based graphs and acres of data entry forms.

(2003 Version 2, on

This was the 2nd generation corporate website for Square One research. It used a Flash menu to access static pages with some PHP scripts driving quite a comprehensive online course system. At their height, these courses had more than 8000 active users.

(2000 Version 1, now offline - no archive)

This was the 1st generation corporate website for Square One research. It had a Javascript menu system that accessed static pages in a separate frame. This was also my first attempt at an online course system, using PHP scripts and a MySQL database to generate and display multi-choice questions and manage undergraduate projects.

(1996 - now offline, no archive)

This was the first commercialisation of Ecotect, done when working at Advanced Environmental Concepts in Sydney. It was just a series of static HTML pages extolling the virtues of the software and where to buy it.

(1996 - now offline, no archive)

This was a website for the company I worked for at the time, Advanced Environmental Concepts in Sydney. It was just a series of static HTML pages, but used frames to generate a decent image gallery for showing off projects the company had done.

(1994 - on

This was my very first website created on an old Sun 3/50 workstation that was lying spare around the department. This machine ran with an early version of Solaris for nearly 8 years with virtually no management. I know this because I hardly ever touched it (other than adding/editing web pages) and it stayed up for nearly 3 years even after I left the department in 2001.

It was called The Fridge because I originally set it up to serve a lab of 15 old PCs recently ejected from the main CAD lab. The only place I could find to establish my new architectural science workspace was a small open area on the top floor of the School immediately below the HVAC plant room. The air temperature from the outlet ducts there were about 10 degrees cooler than on every other floor and, because there was no money for software or even Windows licenses, the many long hours I spent manually installing Linux from floppy disk on each machine were the coldest I have ever spent anywhere.