New Schedule Editor
I have finally finished my online annual hourly schedule editor, which took several iterations and quite some time to get working the way I wanted. It's of interest because hopefully its relatively easy to use and can read and write schedules in a range of different formats, including EnergyPlus (IDF and epJSON), OpenStudio (OSM), DIVA/DaySim (.OCC.CSV) and some other CSV layouts.
Schedule Editor
This web app lets you create and edit annual hourly schedules. It features a sophisticated interactive daily profile editor and the ability to assign profiles to any day of the year, including virtual days such as the holiday and design-day types used by EnergyPlus. It can also import and export a range of formats including CSV, DIVA/DaySim, EnergyPlus (IDF/epJSON) and OpenStudio. You can even drag/drop existing EnergyPlus and OpenStudio input files and it will parse out just the schedule information.